Police constable in Swat reveals high level of Honesty

Swat Honest Police Constable Ayaz Returns 55 Lacs

Police constable in Swat reveals high level of honesty and returns Rs 5.5 million to the real owner after investigating and finding him out. Still today due to the presence of Islamic values, some people show high level of commitment unlike the infected masses.

The Swat Police Constable Ayaz Mian recovered a handful bucket of 55 lacs, and he very tactfully researches the real owner of the money and handed all to him, when the owner announced giving him 5 lacs as a gift, he refused saying it was his duty.
The good approach of this constable Ayaz Mian of Swat should be appreciated and government should give him extra promotions to encourage such culture of honesty and high ethics in Pakistan.

constable in Swat reveals high level of honesty and returns Rs 5.5 million to the real owner after investigating and finding him out. Still today due to the presence of Islamic values, some people show high level of commitment unlike the infected masses. The Swat Police Constable Ayaz Mian recovered a handful bucket of 55 lacs, and he very tactfully researches the real owner of the money and handed all to him, when the owner announced giving him 5 lacs as a gift, he refused saying it was his duty. The good approach of this constable Ayaz Mian of Swat should be appreciated and government should give him extra promotions to encourage such culture of honesty and high ethics in Pakistan.

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